Thursday, September 27, 2012

Continent boxes

Here are our continent boxes!

 They are still kind of a work in progress as some are still not that full and I am sure we'll collect more as we go.  I again used the awesome photo boxes from Michael's craft store and I have got to say they really were perfect for the job even if they are not the traditional colors of the continents.  I have decorated each box using scrapbook stickers as well as glued the montessori nomenclature card for that continent to the lid of each box.  I lucked out and found a few boxes that were already printed with nice artwork that corresponded to the continent.  I then began the work of filling my boxes.  Each has the corresponding book from the true book series which I bought for really cheap used off amazon.  Then I called my mom (she has traveled around a lot )  and asked her for any of the chackies (doodads) she didn't need/want anymore.  I then looked through my memorabilia and made a list of things I would like to find and headed off to ebay.  I found a lot for really cheap on ebay!  I also signed up for a culture swap which I am really looking forward to!

Note:  I store the nomenclature for the continents in our nomenclature drawers located in our closet. 

Here are some boxes to look at!

Europe and Africa

Europe has in it:
coins, stamps, bills (even one with montessori on it!), picture my mom took of Stonehenge, A piece of the berlin wall my brother gave me, a rosary I picked up from the Vatican when I went to Rome. 

Africa has in it:
Folder cards from, an African mask my brother brought back, African animals toob, tanzinite, African mined amethyst, ancient Egyptian artifacts from my personal collection (shabtis), bills and coins.


Asia box contains:
Tibetan prayer flags, sand I collected in Israel, japanese candy, pearls from china, a statue of Buddha, a wooden fan, a Chinese butterfly that was sent along with something I ordered off ebay once, incense from India, sushi erasers, coins, bills,  rice seasoning packets from Japan, Chinese ink with brushes, jade cat, chopsticks, safari animals from Asia and stamps.


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